Project Site Location
1. Any exposure to or from the neighborhood from fire, explosion, noise, air and stream pollution?
2. Adequate access for emergency vehicles?
3. Any potential blockages of access roads by railroads, highway congestion, etc.?
4. Access roads well engineered to avoid sharp curves? Traffic signs provided?
Building and Structures
1. What standards are being followed in the design of stairways, platforms, ramps and fixed ladders?
2. Are sufficient general exit and escape routes available? Alternate means of escape from roofs provided? Is protection provided to persons along the line of the escape routes?
3. Adequate lighting provided?
4. Doors and windows hung to avoid projecting into or blocking walkways and exits?
5. Structural steel grounded?
Operating Areas
1. Are equipment, steam, water, air and electric outlets arranged to keep aisles and operating floor areas clear of hoses and cables?
2. Ventilation furnished for hazardous fumes, vapors, dust and excessive heat?
3. Temporary storage provided for raw materials at process points, and for finished products?
4. Where operations are potentially hazardous from the standpoints of fire and explosion, are controls housed in separate structures? If not, are control room windows kept to a minimum and glazed with laminated safety glass?
5. Are alternate escape routes to safe locations provided?
6. If needed, what type of pressure relief venting of area is furnished?
7. Do platforms provide safe clearance for safe maintenance of equipment?
8. Are nozzles and manholes sized and located for safe cleanout, maintenance operations, and emergency removal of people from vessels?
9. What protection is provided to protect against contact with hot surfaces?
10. Is head clearance adequate in walkway and working areas?
11. Is power-driven equipment adequately guarded?
12. Are manually operated valves, switches and other controls readily accessible to the operator from a safe location?
13. Are vents located so that discharges, including liquids, do not endanger personnel, public or property? Are all vents above the highest liquid level possible in the system?
14. Are free-swinging hoists avoided? Are hoists equipped with safety hooks, limit switches, if motorized?
15. Are elevators equipped with shaftway door interlocks and car gate contacts? Are there safety astragals on bi-parting doors?
16. Is every effort being made to handle materials mechanically rather than manually?
17. Are emergency showers and hose-type eye baths provided?
18. Has a safe storage and dispensing location for flammable liquid drums been provided?
19. Are there at least two exits from hazardous work?
20. Where excessively noisy operations are concerned, what measures are contemplated to reduce the noise level to a safe range?
21. Is there safe exit from manufacturing offices or laboratories?
22. Are positive electrical power disconnects being installed for purposes of lockout?
1. Are roadways laid out with consideration for the safe movement of pedestrians, vehicles and emergency equipment?
2. Are railroad car puller control stations fully protected against broken cable whiplash? How will operator be protected from being caught between cable or rope and capstan or cable drum?
3. Are flammable liquid tank car and tank truck loading and unloading docks bonded or grounded?
4. Are safe means provided on loading platforms for access to work areas of tank cars and trucks?
5. Is protection against falling furnished for employees who work on tops of railroad cars and trucks?
6. Is safe access provided to tops of storage tanks on which persons go for contents measurement and vent maintenance?
7. Is there sufficient head clearance and good visibility in walking and working areas?
8. Is yard lighting adequate?
Moderator adalah Alumni dari K3 Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dan sekarang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan PMA, moderator juga menunggu sumbangan artikel dari para praktisi di bidang OH, IH, Safety dan Environment yang lain.
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