1. If the building has enclosed walls and the construction or occupancy has combustibles, what kind of automatic sprinklers (wet or dry pipe systems) are provided?
2. If the building has open walls and the construction or occupancy has combustibles, how much water spray protection (HAD's or pilot head heat actuating systems) has been provided?
3. What existing hydrants serve the area or project? What additional ones are to be provided?
4. What fixed or portable monitor nozzles (on hydrants or separate) are provided for coverage of manufacturing facilities or storage facilities in open areas (not within open or closed wall buildings)?
5. Have the underground fire mains been extended or looped to supply additional sprinkler systems, hydrants and monitor nozzles? Dead ends should be avoided. What sectional control valves have been provided?
6. Are small hose standpipes provided inside of buildings?
7. What type, size, location and number of fire extinguishers are needed?
8. What flammable liquid storage tank protection has been provided? Foam? Dikes with drain valves outside the dike?
9. Where have total flooding or local-application carbon dioxide systems been provided?
10. Is load-bearing structural steel which is exposed to potential flammable liquid or gas fires fireproofed to a sufficient height above ground level to protect the steel? (This height varies from 30' to 35', depending on additional fire protection features.)
11. How has adequate drainage been provided to carry spilled flammable liquids and water used for fire-fighting away from buildings, storage tanks, and process equipment?
12. What protection has been provided for dust hazards?
13. What is the capacity of fire water supplies? What is the maximum fire water demand?
14. How long will supplies meet this maximum demand?
15. What is the spacing of flammable liquid storage tanks?
16. What is the estimated probable maximum loss (PML)?
17. What is the approximate hold-up of flammable liquids in the manufacturing equipment broken down by flash points?
18. What attention has been given to protection of process equipment from external fire?
19. Are liquid inventory tanks near or under the ground instead of elevated?
20. Is the area pad or flooring designed to conduct spill liquid away from process equipment? What facilities are provided for drainage?
21. How have major storage tanks or vessels been located to minimize hazard to process equipment in the event of rupture or burning?
Moderator adalah Alumni dari K3 Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dan sekarang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan PMA, moderator juga menunggu sumbangan artikel dari para praktisi di bidang OH, IH, Safety dan Environment yang lain.
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