- Radiasi bunga api / Arc Radiation
Radiasi bunga api dihasilkan dari sinar Ultra Violet (UV) dan sinar infra merah (IR) dan apabila Kita terpajan dapat menyebabkan: / Arch radiation is a result of ULTRA-VIOLET (UV) and INFRA-
- Kanker kulit / Skin cancer
- Kulit terbakar / Thermal Skin Burn (severe sun burn)
- Mata terbakar / Arch Flash (welder Flash) or Eye Burn which can result in inflammation of the cornea, Cataracts or Blindness.
Alat Pelindung Diri yang diperlukan /Protection Required Includes:
· Helm las yang memenuhi standard dan terdapat filter / an approved welding helmet with the correct filter and shade number.
· Kacamata safety yang berguna untuk menahan sinar UV dan IR serta mengurangi / Safety glasses which will help to refract (bend away) the UV and IR Rays away reducing the chances of Arch Flash.
· Selalu pergunakan pakaian pelindung yang melindungi seluruh tubuh dari potensi terbakar, diantaranya: / Always wear protection full covering clothing to shield your body for potential burn eg:
o Kain wool atau katun yang tahan api atau percikan api / Overall or flame resistant wool or cotton.
o Jaket kulit / Leather apron and jackets
o Selalu menggunakan sarung tangan kulit / Always wear leather gloves
o Semacam topi pelindung kepala / Skull cap (for overhead welding)
o Pergunakan sekat pelindung ketika bekerja di area terbuka / Screen the welding zone when welding in open spaces.
· Kilatan cahaya api las dapat mengenai Kitawalaupun tanpa melihat secara langsung / A welding flash can occur by indirectly viewing the arch even for a relatively short time eg:
o Unconsciously looking out the corner of the eye.
o Looking away from the arch (close eyes then turn away)
o Dipantulkan oleh permukaan yang mengkilat / Reflections of the arch from shiny surfaces.
- Sengatan Listrik / Electric Shock
· Jangan pegang bagian logam yang dilas dengan tangan tanpa pelindung atau baju yang basah / Never touch live metal part with bare skin or wet clothing.
· Jaga sarung tangan dan baju pelindung tetap kering dan bebas dari oli atau gemuk / Keep gloves and Protective clothing dry and free of oil and grease.
· Jangan lilitkan atau putarkan kabel las disekitar tubuh Anda / Never coil or loop welding cable around your body.
· Jangan mengelas diatas permukaan basah atau di diatas air / Don’t weld while standing on a wet surface or while standing in water.
- Uap Logam dan Gas / Fumes and Gases
Dihasilkan oleh mencairnya logam, penguapan dan reaksi-reaksi lain yang terjadi, yang berupa logam atau gas termasuk dalam bunga api pengelasan /Caused by the melting, vapourisation and other reaction of the consumables, base metals and gases (where applicable) involved in the welding arc.
Beberapa kontaminasi yang umum /Some common contaminants:
Kontamina / Contaminant | Sumber / Source |
Uap Besi / Iron Fumes | Vaporization of iron from base metal and electrode coatings. |
Chromium | Stainless steel, electrode coating, plantings |
Nickel | Stainless steel, nickel clad steel |
Zinc Fume | Vaporization of zinc alloys, electrode coatings galvanized steel, zinc-primed steel. |
Uap logam tembaga / Cooper Fume | Vaporization of coating on electrode wires, sheaths on air carbon arch gouging electrodes, cooper alloys |
Vanadium, Manganese, Molybdenum | Welding rods, alloying element in stells |
Timah / Tin | Tin coating steel, some nonferrous alloys |
Cadmium | Plating |
Timbal / Lead (Pb) | Fluxes, coating on electrodes, flux in wires. |
Carbon Monoxide (CO) | Combustible product of gas metal arc welding, air carbon arc gouging, oxyfuel flames, exhaust from car engines. |
Ozone (O3) | Gas metal arch welding, air carbon arc gauging, titanium and aluminium welding in inert gas atmosphere. |
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) | Gas metal arc welding, oxyfuel flame process |
Phosgene | Welding of metal covered with chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents |
Moderator adalah Alumni dari K3 Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dan sekarang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan PMA, moderator juga menunggu sumbangan artikel dari para praktisi di bidang OH, IH, Safety dan Environment yang lain.
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